37 - R.I.P. Vine, Facebook Allows Racial Exclusion in Ads, and the UN Offers Women a Mascot Instead of Leadership

“10 Business Podcasts You Should Be Listening To (If You Aren't Already)” Inc.com

Brand Eff Up?

“At 75, Wonder Woman was just named an honorary U.N. ambassador. But not everyone is happy about that,” LA Times

What’s Up?

“Vine Is Closing Down, and the Internet Can’t Stand It,” NY Times

What’s Next?

“Facebook Lets Advertisers Exclude Users by Race,” ProPublica

Diggin’ in the Crates:

Phil: “Undercover Brother” (2002), “Robotech” (Anime) on Netflix

Wos: “Last Taboo: Why Pop Culture Just Can’t Deal With Black Male Sexuality,” NY Times

Michael: “Pumping Iron” on Netflix (1977)

Matt: Adam Curtis, “HyperNormalisation” (2016)

Shawn: Sweatshop Boys, Cashmere (2016)